Special Message

In Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

Wolffork Baptist Church

Rabun Gap, Georgia 30568


For the safety and well-being of our church family, until further notice all services and activities at the church have been canceled with the following two exceptions:


The pastor will be at the church Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 AM till Noon if you need to see him or for prayer.


The food pantry will be open at the usual time. If you need assistance, please contact Community Partnership, Clayton, GA, for a referral (706-782-8390).


The leadership of the church will be monitoring the Coronavirus and keeping the church family up-to-date on the Sunday service and the resumption of regular activities of the church. Pray with us for wisdom.

Let us hear from you...

We seek to serve our community.  Please let us know if you have a specific need and how we might be able to help.

You can call us at our primary telephone number (706.746.2728) or send us a message.  To send a message, please click the button to the right.